Camp Hope Staff Application PART ONE Name * First Name Last Name Age * Grade completed * 6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade Graduated/College Phone (best number to reach you) * (###) ### #### Email * Question 1: Exploring your own faith, what are your biggest questions? * Question 2: Considering your answer above, who can you talk to about these things? * There are moments in our everyday life when we feel especially far away from God or especially close to God. Please share one or two of these times in your life. * Please continue to PART TWO of the the Camp Hope Staff Application. PART TWO Name * First Name Last Name Phone (best number to reach you) * (###) ### #### Email * Select ONE which best describe you. * Writer Dancer Listener Joiner Musical Team Player Committed Crafter Reader Speaks Out Hard Worker Manipulator Now select ONE more that best describes you * Artistic Organized Flexible Observer Leader Challenger Fun Clowning Sensitive Achiever Talker Risk Taker Finally, select ONE more that best describes you * Friendly Impatient Athletic Joker Caring Deep Thinker High Energy Quiet Bored Low Key Pretender Follower Thank you for your interest in being a staff member of Camp Hope. Your application is complete. We appreciate your interest. You should hear from us within 3 days. If you have not, please contact the church office at 979-297-2013 or